Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Duds

It was like I asked him to eat a lemon when I encouraged him to put his arms around his sisters. *sigh* - one day he'll appreciate them.

The girls love to wear dresses. They wear them EVERY day if I let them. I don't mind as it makes it a lot less hassle on Sundays. They were quite thrilled to have such pretty pink dresses for Easter - made their little faces smile. Blaire was a bit too cold since it was raining, so she wore a white t-shirt under her pink sundress.

Graeme doesn't mind dressing up, but he was quite thrilled to put jeans and a t-shirt on when we got home... not that I made him wear anything too fancy anyway?

1 comment:

Monica said...

They're all so cute! My girls like to wear dresses a lot too.