Sunday, April 19, 2009

Journal - Day Four

Do not let any unwholesome talk come

out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for

building others up according to their needs,

that it may benefit those who listen.

Ephesians 4:29

From very early on in our relationship, I was encouraged and challenged to be Duncan's biggest fan. This doesn't mean that I always agree with what he does, but it means that I won't put him down or treat him with disrespect - especially in front of our children - but also when talking to others. I have purposed to surround myself and be held accountable by women of like mind, so that I am not tempted to get into husband-bashing. Our society does not support this mind-set, but I hold firmly to the fact that it is healthy for our relationship and for me - for when we dwell on the negative, we are sure to find it!

Along these lines, my friend Rachel recently ordered & mailed me a book by Shaunti Feldhahn - For Women Only - What you need to know about the inner lives of men. The book is "...full of eye opening revelations you need to not only understand the man in your life, but to support and love him in the way he needs to be loved. Grounded in biblical hope, you will discover how to love your man for how he really is - not who you think he is."

Germany - 2008
Here is the next entry from the journal Duncan wrote for me to read while I was out of town in March.

Her husband is respected at the city gate,
where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.

Proverbs 31:23

My Incredible Wife;

One of the by-products of your life and love is that I enjoy the respect and admiration of others. Your actions and attitudes bring me praise and the respect of others.

It is because others besides myself see you and your character, gifts, abilities & attitudes and see a woman worthy of praise. As a result of the high esteem that they have for you I get to share in that glory. I share in your honor and praise-worthiness.

I love that I am blessed by you simply by association with you. Because of you I receive honor and praise. I look good simply because I was lucky enough to have you marry me.

-Your Thankful Husband

Journal Introduction
Journal Entry Day 1
Journal Entry Day 2
Journal Entry Day 3


Monica said...

These are so beautiful!!

That book is on my reading list....I heard her on Focus on the Family a while back. said...

I have always made it my personal aspiration to never say something negative about my husband to someone else. Sure, he isn't perfect, but I have always felt it is part of my privilege as his wife, to build him up not tear him down. He has told me how much this means to him as he has had people comment on his fathering and husbanding (is that a word?) that he knows haven't seen him in action, but have just heard it from me.

So this post rang true with me and I instantly liked you! What a sweet tribute this journal is for you. (my love language is words of affirmation so I know how valuable the written word is). And how exciting for you to see how much your words and deeds mean to your husband!

I found you when you followed me on Twitter... I am eager to read more!!

Rachel said...

Is so awesome that Duncan sees these things in you and tells you!
I know he always has but it always makes me feel good-reaffirming that you are in good hands. :-)