Blaire Rose has never been shy about trying out the Blue Angels flight simulator and Graeme has become more adventurous while watching Blaire try new things, but this was the first time Paige got to climb inside and use the controls herself. All 3 kids listened very well to the operator as he gave them tips on how to maneuver the aircraft. Graeme was the only one that was tall enough to reach the peddles, but the girls did just fine without.
We also maintain a membership at the Seattle Aquarium as it's within walking distance of the ferry and we can go there for an inexpensive outing. Duncan's mom renews our memberships each year and we have really enjoyed having them.
What memberships do you have or would like to have? How do you decide between different available options?
We always get the Woodland Park Zoo (just went last week) and the Pacific Science Center. Both of those passes can also be used in Vancouver, BC (since we live up by the Canadian border).
Laurel :)
Mac and I both love the picture of Paige with the orange plane. It was the first thing he said to me when we picked him up this weekend - "Did you see the picture Suzanne sent me of Paige and the orange plane? Isn't it SO cute?" :)
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